
"The people of Ergon are like cacti in the desert - resilient, adaptable, and able to make use of every resource at their disposal." - A proud Ergonian citizen


Ergon, the City of Zarinesh's Hand, stands as a beacon of life and prosperity amidst the harsh Irasnian Wastes. Built within the enigmatic crevices of Zarinesh's Hand, this thriving metropolis offers refuge to weary travelers and merchants alike. Named after the ancient deity Zarinesh, who is believed to have created the land it inhabits, Ergon's unique location has shaped its culture and way of life, attracting adventurers from all corners of the world.

Notable Locations

The Helix Plaza

Located at the heart of Ergon, the Helix Plaza serves as the city's main trading hub and gathering place. The plaza is a vibrant and bustling marketplace, where merchants from all across the Irasnian Wastes come to sell their exotic goods, ranging from precious metals to rare spices and fabrics.

The Sunspire

A towering structure made of sandstone and glass, the Sunspire is Ergon's most prominent landmark. This massive tower serves as both a lighthouse for travelers seeking refuge in the city, as well as a beacon of hope for its inhabitants. At night, the Sunspire is illuminated by magical flames that can be seen for miles around.

House of Zarinesh

This ancient temple dedicated to Zarinesh stands as a testament to the city's faith in its divine patron. Built into one of Zarinesh's Hand's many crevices, it features intricate carvings depicting scenes from the deity's mythology. Pilgrims from all over the wastes journey here to pay their respects and seek blessings for their travels.

Tornas' Workshop

Hidden within a maze-like network of tunnels beneath Ergon lies Master Artificer Tornas' workshop. Here, he creates intricate mechanical devices and sculptures using salvaged parts from Zarinesh's Hand. His work is highly sought after by collectors across the wastes, making Tornas one of Ergon's most influential citizens.

The Gilded Dune Tavern

A popular watering hole among locals and travelers alike, The Gilded Dune Tavern offers a place to unwind after a long day in the desert heat. Patrons can enjoy local brews made from desert fruits while sharing stories of their adventures or listening to local musicians perform traditional songs.

A powerful sandstorm has unearthed an ancient entrance within Zarinesh's Hand, rumored to lead to a long-lost underground city. Adventurers are sought to explore the depths and uncover the hidden secrets that lie within.

Notable Figures

Master Artificer Tornas

Master Artificer Tornas is an innovative craftsman and a highly respected figure in Ergon. Known for his intricate mechanical devices and sculptures, he uses salvaged parts from Zarinesh's Hand to create his masterpieces. His work is highly sought after by collectors across the wastes, making Tornas one of Ergon's most influential citizens.

Hara, High Priestess of Zarinesh

Hara serves as the spiritual leader of Ergon, guiding its citizens in their worship of Zarinesh and other animistic beliefs. As High Priestess, she oversees religious ceremonies at the House of Zarinesh and provides counsel to those seeking spiritual guidance. Her wisdom is respected by many in Ergon, making her an important figure in both religious and secular matters.

Ishara, Captain of the Oasis Guard

Captain Ishara leads Ergon's Oasis Guard, a group tasked with protecting the city's vital water source from outside threats. Her dedication to maintaining peace and order within Ergon has earned her widespread admiration among its inhabitants. As a seasoned warrior herself, she has faced numerous challenges defending her city against raids from nomadic tribes or dangerous creatures that roam nearby.

Naleen, Owner of The Gilded Dune Tavern

Naleen is a charismatic entrepreneur who owns The Gilded Dune Tavern – one of Ergon's most popular gathering spots for locals and travelers alike. As owner and head bartender, she is known for her ability to spin captivating tales, drawing in patrons with her stories while serving up exotic drinks brewed from desert fruits. Her tavern serves as a hub of information and gossip, making Naleen a valuable contact for adventurers seeking work or knowledge about the region.

A mysterious illness has stricken the oasis that sustains Ergon, causing its waters to become tainted and undrinkable. The citizens turn to adventurers for help in finding the source of the contamination and restoring their life-giving water supply.

Politics and Economy:

The government of Ergon is an oligarchy, where a council of influential citizens, including Master Artificer Tornas, High Priestess Hara, and Captain Ishara, make decisions for the city's welfare. This council ensures that trade routes remain open and prosperous while maintaining good relations with neighboring settlements and nomadic tribes.

Ergon's economy is primarily centered around trade, as its location within the Irasnian Wastes makes it a vital stopover point for caravans traversing the harsh desert. The city's skilled artisans are known for their craftsmanship in creating unique goods using materials scavenged from Zarinesh's Hand. These items are highly sought after by merchants and collectors throughout the wastes.

Ergon's oasis plays a crucial role in sustaining the city's economy, as it provides precious water to both its inhabitants and traveling merchants. The city has established strict regulations to ensure that the oasis is not over-exploited or polluted.

Players looking to establish strong connections within Ergon might consider forging relationships with members of the ruling council or prominent merchants operating within Helix Plaza.

Unscrupulous individuals have begun smuggling illegal goods through Ergon's trade routes, threatening to destabilize its economy and political standing within the region. Adventurers are needed to help uncover this illicit operation and bring those responsible to justice.

Diplomatic Relations:

Ergon maintains diplomatic relations with other settlements in the Irasnian Wastes, as well as several nomadic tribes who rely on trade with the city for their survival. While relationships between these groups are generally amicable, disputes can arise over resources or territory, leading to tense negotiations or even skirmishes.

The ruling council of Ergon places great importance on maintaining good relations with its neighbors. As such, they often send emissaries to other settlements and tribes to discuss trade agreements, resolve disputes, and share knowledge about the harsh desert environment.

A diplomatic envoy from a neighboring settlement has gone missing on their way to Ergon. The city's council suspects foul play and hires adventurers to investigate the disappearance and ensure the delegation's safe return.

Currency and Trade:

Ergon's currency is known as the Sunstone, a valuable gemstone found deep within Zarinesh's Hand. These sunstones are used both as currency within the city and as a trade item in wider regional commerce.

In addition to its unique crafted goods, Ergon also exports resources such as salt, rare metals, and textiles. These materials are traded with other settlements in exchange for food, livestock, and other essential supplies needed to sustain life in the harsh desert climate.

Players looking to purchase unique items or sell valuable goods may find lucrative opportunities in Ergon's Helix Plaza or by engaging with traveling merchants passing through the city.


The city was founded by resourceful settlers who discovered Zarinesh's Hand in their search for water. Over time, the settlement grew into a thriving metropolis as more people sought refuge from the harsh desert environment.

Culture and Religion:

Ergon's diverse population has given rise to a vibrant culture that reflects the various traditions of its inhabitants. Music, dance, and storytelling are integral parts of Ergonian cultural expression, often performed in public spaces like the Helix Plaza or at The Gilded Dune Tavern.

Despite their harsh environment, Ergonians are known for their resourcefulness, resilience, and adaptability. This spirit of perseverance is reflected in their craftsmanship and trade skills, as well as their ability to make the most out of limited resources. A strong sense of community is prevalent among Ergonians who rely on one another for survival and support.

Religiously, the city is predominantly devoted to Zarinesh, the deity believed to have formed Zarinesh's Hand and provided life-sustaining water to the city. The House of Zarinesh serves as a central place of worship where citizens gather to pray for protection and blessings from their patron deity.

In addition to Zarinesh worship, Ergon also embraces animistic beliefs centered around nature spirits that inhabit the desert landscape. These spirits are believed to be responsible for various natural phenomena such as sandstorms or mirages. Some citizens offer prayers or sacrifices to these spirits in hopes of appeasing them or seeking assistance.

A festival celebrating Zarinesh is fast approaching, and Ergon's citizens are busy preparing for the festivities. However, mysterious events begin occurring throughout the city that appear to be linked with angered nature spirits. Adventurers are sought to uncover the cause behind these disturbances before it threatens the festival's success.

As you wander through Ergon's streets at dusk, you witness a group of locals gathered around an impromptu stage near The Gilded Dune Tavern. They're captivated by a storyteller who spins tales about ancient heroes battling mythical creatures from deep within Zarinesh's Hand. The air is filled with the sound of laughter and applause, reflecting the city's indomitable spirit in the face of adversity.

Geography and Climate:

Located within the harsh Irasnian Wastes, Ergon faces an unforgiving desert climate with scorching temperatures during the day and freezing nights. The city's unique location within Zarinesh's Hand offers some protection against these harsh conditions, while its oasis provides life-sustaining water for its inhabitants.

As you enter Helix Plaza, you're immediately struck by the vibrant atmosphere of this bustling market. Exotic spices fill the air with their intoxicating aroma, while street performers entertain passersby with feats of acrobatics and sleight-of-hand. Merchants display their unique wares, crafted from scavenged parts of Zarinesh's Hand, drawing curious onlookers and potential buyers alike.

Ergon's Master Artificer Tornas has recently discovered a hidden chamber within Zarinesh's Hand, rumored to contain an ancient artifact of immense power. However, the chamber is guarded by deadly traps and creatures. Adventurers are sought to retrieve the artifact and uncover its secrets.

expand on Culture and Religion:


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